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Aviko Štanjel_En


The Aviko application was created in 2021 as part of the Emondergrounds project, Interreg Adrion, with the aim of enriching visitors’ visit of the village of Štanjel. The presented QR codes are distributed throughout the village of Štanjel, which allows a more detailed overview of the content of the sights. The application can be found under the name: AVIKO Štanjel.

Dobrodošli v starodavnem Štanjelu!

Štanjelsko gradišče in njegovo obzidje

 Point 3

Point 4

Point 5

Point 6

 Point 7

Point 8 

Projekt je sofinanciran v 85% s strani Evropske Unije. 15% delež pa je lastnega prispevka.


Aktualni projekti