Ljudska univerza Koper has begun implementing the project of Development and Spreading of ICT Networks, which support local/regional consulting centres and centres for consulting on vocational opportunities – Lifelong Learning Centres (LLL Centres), and which is co-financed by the Ministry of Education and Sport and the European Union from the European Social Fund
What is the purpose of the project?
With the LLL Centre of the Coast-Karst region a sustainable and identifiable network of providers for e-learning, independent learning, counselling, and informing will be established. In this way each publicly available point will be more efficient and of high-quality. Access to education and training, with emphasis on informal learning, will be easier with the extension and popularization of existing information-counselling activities across the common portal and media promotion. Such education will be promoted especially among those, who haven’t approached it yet.
Partners and locations of lifelong learning points (LLL points)
- Društvo Pristan – Univerza za tretje življenjsko obdobje Koper (Society Pristan – University for the third life period Koper)
- Kosovelova knjižnica Sežana (Kosovel Library Sežana)
- Ljudska univerza Koper (People’s University Koper)
- Ljudska univerza Sežana (People’s University Sežana)
- Mestna knjižnica Izola (Town Library Izola)
- Mestna knjižnica Piran (Town Library Piran)
- Osnovna šola Antona Ukmarja (Anton Ukmar Primary School)
- Osrednja knjižnica Srečka Vilharja (Srečko Vilhar Central Library)
- Regionalni razvojni center Koper (Regional Development Centre Koper)
What will the points of lifelong learning bring?
Current activities of each publicly available point will be updated or new ones will be created, by the end of January 2006:
Ljudska univerza Sežana and Mestna knjižnica Piran will open a Corner for independent learning.
- Osnovna šola Antona Ukmarja, Kosovelova knjižnica Sežana, and Osrednja knjižnica Srečka Vilharja will update their e-points and e-school activities with the possibility of independent learning by multimedia programmes. Here you will be able to learn foreign languages or find your career path with a popular computer programme. Any additional or new subjects, which will be provided by the lifelong learning points, are free of charge.
- In the Mestna knjižnica Izola the Centre for independent learning will open its doors also in the afternoon, twice a week. During that time parents, who wish to study and have trouble with child-minding can use the organized guarding in the library.
- In Društvo Pristan – Univerza za tretje življenjsko obdobje Koper pensioners shall be able to get all the information concerning their education.
- Regionalni razvojni center Koper will, as always, provide information and counselling for entrepreneurship.
- By the enlargement of the Counselling Centre Koper to Ljudska univerza Sežana the activity of counselling for education will also be available in the Karst part of the region.
- For detailed information on the schedules and offers of individual LLL points, please check the web-site of the individual holder of activity.
Web site of the project: www.lu-koper.si