Sustainable Energy in the Adriatic Regions: Knowledge to Invest
Program: IPA ADRIATIC Cross Border Cooperation 2007-2013

adriatic-ipa    sear

SEA-R, which is an acronym for “Sustainable Energy in the Adriatic Regions: Knowledge to invest “, was proposed and approved under the public tender for projects of the programme IPA ADRIATIC Cross Border Cooperation 2007-2013, within a partnership of 7 partners (from Italy, Slovenia, Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina and Croatia) and three associates (from Austria, Italy and Croatia).

Why SEA-R? SEA-R’ purpose is to identify, promote and help implementation of three main sources from which sustainable energies can derive for Adriatic: SUN, SEA and KNOWLEDGE. Sun and Sea are distinguishing characteristics of the Adriatic region, which can be effectively and better exploited for friendly energies, which is not not sufficiently exploited yet. As socio-economic development of the territories involved in the so called “SEA-R area” implies an increasing energy demand, that regions must adopt more environmentally-friendly energy models and find ways  for effective financing.

The partnership’s general objective  will be the promotion of investment-oriented knowledge on sustainable and competitive energy patterns in the Adriatic regions (SEA-R area) and in that perspective the project is composed by three main sub-projects, concerning the three identified energy sources, and consequently by  following of specific objectives:


  • The Municipality of Pesaro 
  • Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Tirana
  • Centuria RIT Romagna Innovation Tecnology
  • Province of Ferrara
  • Regional Development Centre Koper
  • IRENA – Istrian Regional Energy Agency
  • LIR – Local Development Inititative Banja Luka

Lead partner: The Municipality of Pesaro 

Contact person:  Dott. Mag. Heidi Olenik

Current projects