slohrra     rrc

About the project
SLO-HR-RA is a project of the Neighbourhood programme Slovenia-Hungary-Croatia 2004-2006 within the framework of the Community INTERREG IIIA initiative, which is intended for strengthening cross-border cooperation and a balanced development of cross-border regions. Three Slovene and three Croatian development agencies take part in this, with the leading partner Regional Development Agency Notranjsko-kraška region.

Organizational structure of the project
One of the anticipated results is to establish an organizational structure in the cross-border area, which will enable a common planning and preparation of projects for economical development, operation of cross-border tourist destination, development of human resources, environmental protection and cultural development, and improvement of infrastructure on a common cross-border area.

Organizational structure consists of the project committee, operating team and five working teams (one for each area).

Project committee manages the project and approves project ideas, which are created by cross-border working teams. Function of the operating team is to make these ideas into project proposals, prepared for candidacy for European funds.

Image: Scheme of the organizational structure of the project:

  • Project committee (PC)
  • Operating team (OT)
  • Working teams (WT)


  • Regional Development Agency Notranjsko-kraška regija, d.o.o.
  • Regional Development Agency Porin, d.o.o.
  • Regional Development Centre Koper
  • IDA, Istrian Development Agency, d.o.o.
  • Novo mesto Enterpreneurial Centre, counselling and development, d.o.o.
  • Karlovac County Enterpreneurial Centre, d.o.o.

Current projects