Strategic papers, IT tools, sharing mobility solutions, mobility handbook – Mobilitas final results

The Mobilitas partnership had its last meeting on 10 July 2019 in Nice. Partners presented their results achieved within the project and the Rimini Strategic Plan Agency brought to participants the first copies of the Sustainable Mobility Handbook.

The Mobilitas partnership had its last meeting on 10 July 2019 in Nice. Partners presented their results achieved within the project  and the Rimini Strategic Plan Agency brought to participants the first copies of the Sustainable Mobility Handbook. The handbook gathers the results of all the seven projects of the MED Urban Transport Community and the horizontal GO SUMP project. The manual highlights the importance of mobility issues for the whole Mediterranean area and is an important tool for dissemination of adopted methodologies and implemented action in other tourist destinations with similar traffic problems. 

Mobilitas partners prepared nine strategic documents – sustainable mobility plans for their areas or recommendations for SUMPs (Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans). One partner adopted the SUMP. Partners from Malta (Paragon Europe), Cypriot Pano Platres village, Piraeus, French Riviera (ENERGIES 2050) and Zadar created five APPs offering traffic and tourist information. The Slovene Partner made a software for national and traffic data integration, which are being analysed in the local traffic information centre and are available to users. Besides that an analysis of air pollution caused by traffic along the Slovene Coast (Koper) was prepared. In Misano Adriatico and Rimini analyses of traffic flows during two bigger events were made (moto GP in Misano Adriatico in September 2018 and Ecomondo Fair in Rimini in November 2018). The data gathered will help local authorities at future traffic planning. In the Municipality of Misano Adriatico the bike-sharing system was renovated and two totems for bikes counting were set up. The village of Pano Platres is now part of the new public transport network as three bus stations were installed within the Mobilitas project. A new bus line was namely introduced in 2018 connecting coastal area of Limassol with the hilly hinterland of Troodos and Pano Platres.