
Container terminals as a key element in the Mediterranean short sea shipping.


The Short Sea Shipping between the Mediterranean countries has been considered a valid solution in relation to the intentions of the EU. But until the moment, and in a prominent way, for this type of transport we have been using the RO-RO maritime traffic type, which consists in loading the trucks on the vessels, also tractors or only platforms. To carry out these operations, we have ad hoc port terminals at our disposal. Thanks to the containers, we can think that with the appropriate type of vessel that use these terminals, by using the loading/unloading system LO-LO (lift on – lift off, which is a technique where the cargo is manipulated to and off the ship, using the quay cranes for containers located on the quay side), we could obtain the appropriate procedures and a high performance in order to improve the TMCD, in accordance with the European politics of the Sea Highways. The project TERCONMED wants to establish the relation between the Shipping Container Terminals and the Short Sea Shipping (SSS) in the Mediterranean basin. Moreover, the project will also put the different national and regional administrations in contact with each other in order to identify which are the customs difficulties for this type of transport and also will make some proposals to the public administrations with an aim toward being able to act in an easier way on behalf of the traffic fluidity. Furthermore, the project will make a training proposal for the personnel taking part in the SSS.

Lead partner
Port Institute of Studies and Cooperation of the Valencian Community

Home page: http://terconmed.eu/

terconmed  eu-esrr-eng

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