Adriatic +

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Sharing marine and coastal cross management  experiences in the Adriatic basin

IPA Adriatic CBC Programme 2007-2013

Duration of the project: 7 months

Lead partner: City of Pescara (IT) – Lead Beneficiary

Other partners:



Increased human use of the marine and coastal space, in particular for fishing, maritime transport, tourism, and construction, has intensified pressures on coastal and marine ecosystems. Ecosystem based approach to coordination of activities is needed within the framework of Integrated Coastal Management (ICM) and Marine Spatial Planning (MSP) in order to ensure sustainable use of resources. Both frameworks are important stimulants for cross-border collaboration and stakeholder cooperation across different coastal and maritime sector activities, and have potential for bringing together ecosystem services and Blue Growth opportunities in a sustainable way. They are key tools for achieving decision making balancing sector-based interests competing for marine and coastal space. This confirms the perception that many sectors at present experience conflicts between sectors regarding the use of sea-space and that the competition for maritime space will further increase in the future. Among the examples provided we find in particular conflicts between traditional users (such as shipping, oil exploration and fishing) and emerging activities (such as tourism/recreational uses, aquaculture and, in particular, offshore renewable energy sector) as well as marine environment protection (including marine protected areas, in addition to the already existing marine and coastal Natura2000 sites).

The ADRIATIC+ project, stemming from the results of three IPA ordinary projects (NETCET, SHAPE, HAZADR) and two IPA Strategic Projects (BALMAS, DEFISHGEAR), involves 9 partners from 4 different Countries (Italy, Slovenia, Croatia and Montenegro) and intends to promote the sharing of marine and coastal management experiences in the Adriatic basin in order to foster the definition of a coherent and systematic planning and to contribute to the achievement of EUSAIR objectives (PILLARS 1, 3 and 4).

The final main result will be a feasibility study aimed to set up the ADRIATIC+ Decision Support System (DSS) for the adoption of measures to mitigate threats to the marine and coastal biodiversity.

Thanks to the sharing of expertise and mainly of tools and data gathered within capitalized IPA projects, the project will also contribute to the establishment of a scientific and technical network among relevant organizations and experts in the Adriatic enhancing also linkages with similar EU networks and projects in the Mediterranean.

In this regards, the ADRIATIC+ project is strategic for the Adriatic-Ionian sea basin aiming to strengthen the macro-region capacities for a harmonious and effective sustainable development of marine and coastal environment, able to guarantee a smart, sustainable and inclusive growth for coastal communities.

The final project outcome is to improve the Adriatic-Ionian macro-region governance system of environmental policies and the capability to manage local resources in a rational and coordinated way in response to increasing pressures on ecosystems and climate change risks.


WP2 documents:




pdfVabilo na delavnico TSG3 september 2016.pdf

pdfPredstavitev Mezek S. EUSAIR Adriatic 23. september 2016.pdf





Adriatic+ capitalizes the results obtained from five IPA Adriatic CBC projects: NETCET, SHAPE, HAZADR, DEFISHGEAR and BALMAS.

The common point of view is the Adriatic Sea and all the different aspects or issues about its marine life and human impacts that these projects have identified, monitored, implemented, proposed and established.

Communication and dissemination activities aims at disseminating the results of each capitalized project as well as at raising awareness about the challenges linked to human use and impact on natural resources around the Adriatic.


Slavko Mezek, tel. 05 663 75 85

Tina Primožič, tel. 05 663 75 8