Programme Central Europe, BICY – Cities & Regions of Bicycles

bicy    rrc

Partners: Province of Ferrara (Italy), Province of Ravenna (Italy), DISTART-Institute of Transportation Engineering-University of Bologna (Italy), Kosice Self-Governing Region (Slovakia) , Local Government Budaörs (Hungary), Regional Development Centre Koper (Slovenia), FGM-AMOR Austrian Mobility Research (Austria), Municipality of Velenje (Slovenia), BICYCLE developement project bicycle club (Austria), European Development Agency CR (Czech Republic), Europa Programme Centre (Germany)

General objective
The project general objectives face an urgent common issue of interest for the participating CE areas: the achievement of a higher sustainability in transport. If we consider that approximately 80% of all the urban trips are for distance by less than 5 km, it is clear that wide and extensive use of bicycles would give an enormous contribution to reducing car traffic congestion, pollution with great positive effects on save of time whilst circulating, improvement of health population and combating the climate change. In other words, cycling mobility (together with walking and in combination with public transport) should be promoted as the most sustainable, ecological and, under certain conditions, healthiest and safest way of mobility. BICY intends to work on this well defined goal.

Specific objective
The achievement of BICY specific objectives will enable the participating areas to reach a higher level of cohesion in the sustainability of their mobility system. In particular, the late runners (partners which are on their early stage, with zero or minimal percentage of urban trips made by bicycle) will lay down the conceptual & operative basis to set up an adequate bike infrastructure& a comprehensive mobility planning with cycling at the centre, whilst the slight more advanced areas and the front runners will improve their existing cycling system and their integration with public transport. More precisely BICY will pursue these specific objectives: to develop a coherent and integrated urban-regional bike planning as strategic component of the whole urban-territorial planning; to promote bike as key complement of public transport; to raise awareness of local decision makers and citizens about bicycle as an equivalent means of urban transportation, a valid replacement of car for shorter trips, that are the most frequent in urban life; to promote the image of bicycle as modern, ecological and safer means of transportation; to generate, share and exchange reproducible new ideas, approaches and experiences; to provide quantitative evidences through consolidated indicators; to promote a trans-national cross-fertilization between similar projects and partnership working in the same field; to implement concrete actions.

Activities of Regional Development Centre Koper
For Koper area we will prepare a strategy, plan and methodology of bike sustainable mobility in municipality and also tenders for the preparation of technical documentation for the construction of several new sections of cycle routes in the municipality as well as education of bike-tourist guides in the region.


pdf BICY Brosura – English.pdf