MSPMED – Support for the operational implementation of MSP in the Mediterranean


Maritime Spatial Planning (MSP) has emerged worldwide as an important tool to manage the different uses of Seas and Oceans in an efficient way. While doing so it can also strengthen cross-border cooperation and enhance sustainable development of the Blue economy. The


project will address specific issues regarding each national MSP, enhancing cooperation among states and knowledge sharing, finally ensuring coherence among plans.

approaches. The activities that will take place during the two years of the projects are built around specific intensive workshops, prepared by the project partners, which also have the function to share best practices and

Lead Partner – CORILA (Consortium for the coordination of research on the lagoon system of Venice)

Duration – 24 months

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Source of funding – EU call: EMSP-MSP-2019 (Maritime Spatial Planning) – EASME

The activities that will take place during the two years of the projects are built around specific intensive workshops, prepared by the project partners, which also have the function to share best practices and approaches.

The participation to these events will be wide: the target groups include the administrations and authorities in charge of the plans, stakeholders belonging to the various economic sectors and Civil Society Organisations, research and academic institutions, non-EU Med countries’ authorities, and, last but not least, the general public.

The Mediterranean Sea hosts us and provides incredible resources, let’s manage it properly!

Official project website

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