Project title: ReMOBIL, REgional centers of MOBILity


Program: European Economic Area Financial Mechanism 2014-2021

Lead partner: Soča Valley Development Centre

Project partners:

  • Regional development agency of Ljubljana urban region
  • Regional Development Agency of Gorenjska
  • Regional development centre of Koper
  • Regional Development Agency for Podravje – Maribor
  • Regional Development Agency for Koroška
  • AMZS Ltd.
  • LUZ Ltd.
  • Viken fylkesmommune

Project duration: 1 May 2022 – 30 April 2024

Project value: EUR 1,867,965.72 EUR (of which the share of  RDC Koper is  205.587,50 EUR)

The main goal of the ReMOBIL project is the long-term reduction of the negative environmental effects of traffic, which result in the non-use of sustainable forms of mobility at local, regional and national level, as well as a long-term improvement of the management of sustainable mobility. In order to achieve this goal, various tools are planned.

One of the projects’ priorities is the establishment of an effective sustainable mobility planning system, also  in the regions through the transfer of good practices from abroad

For this purpose we’ll design a model of regional mobility management and create guidelines for mobility management at the regional level and recommendations for harmonizing legislation. The model will be tested within six regional mobility centers that will be established as part of the project.

While the model of mobility management is going to represent the basic building block for the establishment and operation of the regional mobility centers, the guidelines will suggest a broader systemic placement of the mobility management model at the regional level. The operation of the regional mobility centers will facilitate the cooperation of the regional and national levels responsible for transport (Ministry of Infrastructure – Directorate for Sustainable Mobility and Transport Policy) and those responsible for spatial planning (Ministry of Environment and Space) and digitalization of MaaS (Ministry of Public Administration)

As part of the project, we’ll carry on specialized trainings of experts and so contribute to a higher level of information and specialization of municipal, inter-municipal and regional professional services for the long-term development and introduction of sustainable mobility systems. Through targeted campaigns, we will raise public awareness and encourage the use of sustainable mobility in the regions involved. Last but not least, the project will actively contribute to the long-term promotion of the sustainable mobility, especially through our activities during the European Mobility Week (EMW) the six partner regions and Slovenia.


Contact person: Dott. Mag. Heidi Olenik, project manager

Phone number: +386 5 663 75 86, e-mail:


The ReMOBIL project is co-financed by the EEA Grants which represent the contribution of Iceland, Liechenstein and Norvay towards a green, competitive and inclusive Europe, and the corresponding Slovenian participation, within the framework programme Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation.

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