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The project is co-funded by the European Union, Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance





Shaping an Holistic Approach to Protect the Adriatic Environment between coast and sea


Project purposes

SHAPE project is focused on sustainable development in the Adriatic Sea, specifically in strengthening institutional support for the protection and management of resources (natural and cultural) and risk prevention.

The purpose of the project is to establish a multi-level and cross-system management of coastal areas, which will be focused on the rational use of resources and the ability to resolve conflicts between different uses. Based on the European strategies, Protocol on Integrated Coastal Zone Management and on the marine spatial planning, will be developed and tested models of management.


The project comprises standard activities such as project management and communication and following work packages:

WP3 – Integrated Coastal Zone Management: WP leads Public Institution Priority Actions Programme – Regional Activity Centre of the Mediterranean Action Plan in Split. Activities are oriented at the practical implementation of the Protocol on Integrated Coastal Zone Management. Relating to the determination of the 100-meter coastal zone, where the construction is prohibited, project partners will, within the pilot projects, test requirements of the 8th article of the Protocol. Activity 3.4 is oriented at improving the management structures for ICZM, in accordance with the provisions of the Protocol. There will also be prepared a common framework for the preparation of the ICZM strategy for individual partners. Within this work package will be organized a workshop about ICZM Protocol for professionals and for those who are dealing with problems of coastal zone management.



WP4 – “Shipping” towards Maritime Spatial Planning: Responsible Beneficiary of this work package is the Veneto Region. Within this WP will be prepared transnational analyses of the legal framework, which regulates the field of maritime spatial planning and includes a review of the implementation of EU policy (Water Directive, the integrated management of coastal areas, Natura 2000, maritime spatial planning …). Special activity defines an ecosystem as basis for Maritime Spatial Planning. During the project will we be examined conditions of maritime spatial planning in the Adriatic, which will be the basis for determination of the priority activities, which should be successfully managed. Activities in this WP will be coordinated with those in WP 5; within we are developing GIS Atlas of the Adriatic area. With the pilot project partners will test the integration of maritime spatial planning and integrated coastal zone management. On the basis of all implemented activities, we will prepare guidelines – proposal for a methodology of maritime spatial planning at the local level on the Adriatic.



WP5 – Within land and sea: Responsible Beneficiary is Regional development centre Koper. Coordinator of the WP is oriented at promoting the integration of ICZM and MSP Protocol. These tools require good information and scientifically support. Within the WP5 will be established GIS – geographic information system, which will integrate databases of land and sea, at different geographical levels. The system will improve decision-making model in the management process. Within the project we will define common themes relevant to ICZM and MSP, which need to be considered at the regional, Adriatic level. We will also develop and test an information system, which will be in support of ICZM and MSP. On this basis will be developed GIS demonstration atlas.

Expected results

Main results of the SHAPE project will be: Overview of the ICZM Protocol in the Adriatic region, Thematic maps, Maritime spatial planning methodology, Reports: Analysis of the legal framework, policies and planning tools on the Adriatic, GIS atlas of the Adriatic area, Scientific reports, Workshops, Transnational Conferences, Synergies and sharing of results between related projects, within the Adriatic Forum and cooperation with organizations such as the Adriatic Euro region and other European regions and European and international institutions.

Project partners:

Lead partner:  Emilia-Romagna Region – General Direction for Environment and for Soil and Coast Protection

Croatia:     Public Institution Priority Actions Programme – Regional Activity Centre of the       Mediterranean Action Plan in Split and Institute for Physical Region of Istria

Italy:            Veneto Region – Department Project Venice; Regional Agency for Environment  Protection of Molise –ARPA; Abruzzo Region – Service Maritime Works and Marine Water Quality; Autonomous Region of Friuli – Venezia Giulia – Direzione Centrale Ambiente e Lavori Pubblici; Marche Region – Coastal Defence Department; Puglia Region – Mediterranean Department;

Albania:     ECAT Tirana – Environmental Centre for Administration and Technology

Bosnia and Herzegovina: Ministry of civil engineering and physical planning HNC

Slovenia:   Regional development centre Koper  

Montenegro: Public Enterprise for Coastal Zone Management


Contact persons:

Slavko Mezek, tel. 05 663 75 85

Tina Primožič,    tel. 05 663 75 86


Web page of the project:

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