Logo Adrion Enviroment ADRIONET 20

Adriatic – Ionian Network of Authentic Villages

Duration of the project: 1.2.2020 – 31.7.2022

Partners: Association of Authentic Villages of Italy, Public institution for the development of the Međimurje Country REDEA, Region of Central Macedonia, Department for development and international projects of Zenica-Doboj canton, Association of Local Autonomy of Albania, Regional Agency for Socio-Economic Development Banat and Regional development Centre Koper

Objectives: The areas included in the ADRIONET project comprise small authentic villages that are often located in extremely beautiful locations, including river valleys, mountain areas, rural or fringe areas. In certain cases at risk of depopulation and abandonment, due to spatial development models characterized by intense urbanization and socio-economic polarization. These villages demonstrate development potential in terms of social, cultural and environmental importance, with rich history and identity, knowledge in gastronomy, which should be more included in the strategic plans.

ADRIONET project is divided into 5 work packages:

1. Project management

2. Implementation of the project – analysis of natural and cultural landscapes, preparation of
action plans

pdfADRIONET_Transnational_map_survey_and_report_D.T1.1.1._1.2_1.3.pdf (EN)

3. Implementation of pilot activities

Transnational report on result of the pilot demonstration actions

4. Establishment of international networks of authentic places

Dissemination handbook

5. Communication

Project leaflet about the project ADRIONET

Following the paths of myths and legends of Rodik


Rodik & Beka

Kubed & Hrastovlje


RRC Koper is responsible for the thematic section T2 – Implementation of pilot actions, but will participate in all other work packages. In the Obalno-kraška region, there will be two pilot actions, one in the hinterland of the Municipality of Koper, and the other in the area of the municipality of Hrpelje-Kozina. Based on the action plan and the established model of “authentic villages”, the project partners will work together (trough transnational joint working group) to test the solutions aimed at triggering an overall improvement of the involved authentic villages.


Contact info:

Tina Primožič

Phone: +386 5 663 75 90




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