Konferenca v Opatiji 22-24 oktober 2018
Predstavitve govornikov na konferenci:
22. oktober
- Interreg CEETO – Tools for nature protection, by Monica Palazzini, Regione Emilia Romagna, CEETO project Lead partner
- Nature under pressure – ˝Loving it to death˝, by Igor Kreitmeyer, Ministry of Environment and Energy
- Sustainability and resilience of tourism in mountain areas. Experience and remarks in international mountain Conventions: the Alps and the Carpathians, by Diego Albanese, Federparchi
- UNESCO MAB Southeast Rügen cross-sectoral co-operation for the development of the region, by Olaf Ostermann, Ministry of Agriculture and Environment Mecklenburg-Vorpommern
- How to link Tourism & Conservation – ideas and experience, by Peter Prokosch, Linking Tourism & Conservation
- Valle dei Cavalieri, Community Cooperative, by Oreste Torri, Valle dei Cavalieri Community Cooperative
- How to generate social and economic benefits in cooperation with the local community, Una National Park
23. oktober
Delavnica 1 – za oblikovalce politk
Delavnica 2 – Za upravljavce zavarovanih območij in predstavnike turističnga sektorja
24. oktober
- Supporting parks, protecting nature, promoting sustainability, bringing people together, by Carol Ritchie, EUROPARC Federation
- The re/buffing effects of tourism on landscape, by Saša Košuta, architect
- Conference closure, by Monica Palazzini, Regione Emilia Romagna, CEETO project Lead partner